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CursorFX of looking at that same old cursor? Us too. Click any of the animated 3D pointers on CursorFX to view the change before you even close the app. CursorFX starts you off with a handful of well-designed cursors, from the prim, sleek arrow replacement to a lightsaber look-alike or a grinding gearMore freebies await in Stardock's online user gallery.These basic cursor-changing functions are free to use, but those seeking more performative tricks can upgrade to the Plus version. $19.95 unlocks features that have your cursor dot the screen with color each time you click or leaving trails of bubbles in its wake.Anyone can tweak the custom cursor's look and feel and can easily revert to the standard model if you need a reminder of what you've left behind. CursorFX integrates into the Mouse panel, takes only about 1MB of RAM, and does not slow the cursor's movement. This free application is a must-have for upgrading Vista or XP's look.

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